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The Future of Healthcare com NOS, Microsoft, Lusíadas e UPTEC
Leadership, Health
The Future of Healthcare com NOS, Microsoft, Lusíadas e UPTEC
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Vitor Crespo
The most disruptive startups helping patients get closer to treatment.
Empower People, Skilling & Reskilling, Leadership
Pedro Afonso from Axians Portugal, teaches us how not to be irrelevant leaders and ways to create and make a difference within Organizations
Pedro Afonso
Empower People, Entrepreneurship, Leadership
+ 2
Ana Casca
Skilling & Reskilling, Empower People, Leadership, Entrepreneurship
+ 2
Rui Nabeiro
Futurism, Entrepreneurship, Leadership
+ 3
José Ferrari Careto
Data and AI, Innovation, Futurism, Health
Nuno Pimentel from the Champalimaud Foundation talks about how technological advances are enhancing discoveries in medicine and improving diagnoses.
Nuno Pimentel
Leadership, Entrepreneurship
Jens Rassloff
Data and AI, Health
Pedro Gouveia
Skilling & Reskilling, Health, Industry
Steven Braekeveldt
Data and AI, Innovation, Health
Tanmay Bakshi
Data and AI, Sustainability, Health
+ 2
Tiago Gonçalves
Health, Education, Innovation, Futurism
+ 2
Ricardo Ribeiro
Empower People, Entrepreneurship, Leadership
+ 4
Rita Patrício
Data and AI, Health
Marco António Silva
Data and AI, Retail & Services, Empower People, Leadership
+ 3
Joe Egan
Health, Innovation, Industry
+ 1
Rui Guimarães
Empower People, Leadership
+ 2
Alexandra Machado
Data and AI, Health, Business Application
+ 2
Ricardo Gregório
Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Empower People
As executives rise to power, they tend to become arrogant. They also, perhaps surprisingly, tend to become more fearful-they hate the idea that they might appear vulnerable or incompetent and become paranoid about colleagues around them. This arrogance and underlying fear makes them less effective. The speaker will share a story from his own career to illustrate this point - a time when he felt paralyzed about what to do and confused about feeling this way. To his surprise, when he shared about ...
Pedro Faustino
Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Empower People
How are organizations preparing for a more personalized future? New business models, immersive experiences, challenges yet to come and planning for uncertainty.
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Mafalda Urbano
Education, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Empower People
This session will introduce the Brighter Future platform, that brings together information on employment, education and skills to give Portuguese talent the opportunity to make informed decisions on our educational path, through Microsoft solutions and tools. Also, Carlos Oliveira and Andreas Schleicher discuss the challenges for Portugal for employability and skills development. Microsoft Portugal signs a partnership with the José Neves Foundation, whose mission is to contribute to the transfor...
Carlos Oliveira e Andreas Schleicher
Innovation, Futurism, Health, Wellbeing
People are living longer - no longer because of reduced child mortality, but because we are postponing the ill-health of old age. But we’ve seen nothing yet: regenerative medicine and other new medicines will eventually be so comprehensive that people will stay truly youthful however long they live, which means they may mostly live very long indeed. I will discuss both the biology and the sociology of what will be the most momentous advance in the history of civilisation.
Aubrey de Grey
Low Code, Health, Futurism, Innovation, Hybrid Work
In this session, Eduardo Antunes, Microsoft Portugal Executive Director responsible for the Public Sector area, and Teresa Girbal, Vice President of the Public Administration Shared Services Entity), will comment on the future, Aubrey de Grey's presentations (age vs. aging), Pascal Finette's (present vs. future), and Charles Lamanna's (low-code revolution).
Eduardo Antunes
Futurism, Innovation, Sustainability, Health, Education
By shifting to the new global challenges generated by rapid digital transformation, the session 'Re-Imagine the Future' also provides an insight into the solutions to these challenges. By highlighting those that should be priority issues for today's companies, a reflection is made of the various sessions over the two days to introduce the final and fundamental theme of the third day, education.
Paula Panarra
Education, Empower People, Leadership
Alexandre Homem Cristo (Observador) will moderate this panel with Rui Pacheco (Porto Editora), Nuno Moutinho (Escola Global School Principal) and Luis Gaspar (Madeira Education Office) for a discussion on how to digitally transform education. On this session, the speakers will share about how they drove disruption with the status quo to achieve digitalization: a publishing company that revolutionized schools; a leadership that led by example within the education community for achieving student-c...
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Rui Pacheco
Health, Innovation, Industry
The discovery of the vaccine is already a reality, as well as its marketing, distribution and administration. How has the pandemic accelerated the process of vaccine discovery? What learnings can we apply for the future? What is the power of partnerships and technology in the value chain of a vaccine?
These are some of the questions to be addressed in the panel, which will be moderated by Microsoft and attended by the Institute of Molecular Medicine, Janssen and the Ministry of Health's Shared S...
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Luís Goes Pinheiro
Health, Education, Empower People
In this session about how we learn in life-long learning, we have Roselyne Chauvin and Mónica Rodrigues in a dialogue between memory and attention in learning.
They focus on introducing the attention system and further explain how memory happens in the brain, making the case on how both memory and attention must work together for an efficient learning with a deep understanding.
Roselyne Chauvin
Empower People, Skilling & Reskilling, Leadership
D&I has several paces of progress, and all of us, as a society, have a key role in this acceleration. Mobilizing, creating awareness, changing behaviors, are some of the examples that 3 great D&I leaders in Portugal will share with us.
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Sérgio Matos
Diversity and Inclusion, Health
Did you know that about 20% of the world population has some kind of disability, of which more than 70% are "invisible disabilities"? And that Portugal is one of the European countries with the highest rates of anxiety and depression? And that the risk of poverty in Portugal is higher than the European average?
Exclusion can take different forms. In this session we will address the role of technology in the social and economic inclusion of ALL.
+ 3
Ricardo Castro
Data and AI, Leadership
Organizations face growing challenges concerning client's expectations that demand relevant, personalized and value experiences. The context of the pandemic reinforced the weight of digital relationships at the same time as touchpoints multiplied and data volumes grew exponentially, unleashing critical context information for decision-making.
This session shows the importance of client understanding in concrete business scenarios, and how it can support the creation of successful connected jou...
Pedro Silva
Data and AI, Leadership
5G is the trendsetter for a very close tomorrow, how will 5G improve businesses?
+ 4
Ernesto Pedrosa
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