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EXPERTS | Data Insights with Elastic & Azure EDP Case by Syone

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EXPERTS | Data Insights with Elastic & Azure EDP Case by Syone

Joao Diaspng
419Edd015a8c Joao Perdigao
João Dias 1 minute Share
Understand how Syone helped EDP gain visibility into the health and performance of their business by collecting and processing data into meaningful insights. Also, how this solution helps EDP detect service downtime, errors, slow response times, and other anomalous behaviors to take quick actions based on their own data. Join us to discover the details about this use case with the leading energy company in Portugal. Share


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Data and AI

CODING | Loyalty & Promotions a Cloud Approach by Fujitsu

Loyalty & Promotions a Cloud Approach
Luis Nog Pinto
Nuno Vieira
Luís Nogueira Pinto 1 minute
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Data and AI

CODING | Machine Learning & Sentiment Analysis: It’s a match by Syone

In this session you’ll understand how you can use natural language processing, text analysis, and computational linguistics to systematically identify, extract, quantify, and study feelings and subjective information. Join us to discover how to improve your engagement based on your customers real feedback. Also, we’ll do a demo, we know you love this part!
Joao Diaspng
Hugo Santos[1]
João Dias 1 minute
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Data and AI

CODING | AI in Insurance with Azure Form Recognizer by NTT Data

AI in Insurance with Azure Form Recognizer
Luís Venâncio Cópia
Luís Miguel Venâncio 1 minute
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Data and AI

CODING | The Myths of Observability by Dynatrace

The Myths of Observability
Nuno Goncalves
Nuno Gonçalves 1 minute
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Data and AI

CODING | Intelligent Process Automation by Singularity DE

Process automation is one of the most important areas in the digital transformation. In this session we will demonstrate how Power Platform products can help in the automation of an organization's information collection process. We will also demonstrate how Power Automate can help in the collection and storage in OneDrive of an invoice received by email, reading the relevant information in it using the AI Builder and subsequent analysis using Power BI.
Paulo Pereira Foto
Paulo Pereira 1 minute
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Data and AI

EXPERTS | AI & Machine Learning New Shift in Cybersecurity by Armis

As digital transformation evolves, cyber-attacks are increasing exponentially, making the issue of cybersecurity one of the most relevant to ensure business continuity. At ARMIS we believe that Security and Compliance are fundamental to the success of an organization, and crucial in a hybrid working environment.
Discover how you can take a holistic view of security in your organization's environment, enabling you to identify and dismantle threats more efficiently and quickly through Artificial I...
94.Rui Costa
Rui Costa 1 minute
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Data and AI

EXPERTS | Responsible AI by Design An Intelligent Strategy by SAS

Abstract: This session will explore what is ethics, how we can operationalize ethics principles for AI and what the proposed EU AI Act will require for the design and use of AI in Europe.
Kalliopi Spyridaki
Kalliopi Spyridaki 1 minute
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Data and AI

EXPERTS | Building Data-Driven Organizations by Singularity DE

We live in a universe of data. Organizations seek to be increasingly efficient and more capable in the use of data in order to create new business opportunities and obtain better results. The richness of data increasingly raises questions that challenge intuition.
António Bandeiras (1)
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+ 1 António Bandeira 1 minute
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Data and AI

EXPERTS | Simplify the Cloud with AI Automated Observability by Dynatrace

As consumers and businesses continue to rely more heavily on online services, digital capabilities have become critical to organizations’ ability to drive new revenue, enhance customer relationships, keep employees productive, and safeguard business operations.
Gabriel Prancheta 1
Gabriel Agatiello 1 minute
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Data and AI

INSPIRATION | The future of AI and How you can save our world by Wohasu

Artificial intelligence is smarter than humans. It can process information at lightning speed and remain focused on specific tasks without distraction. AI can see into the future, predicting outcomes and even use sensors to see around physical and virtual corners. So why does AI frequently get it so wrong?
Mo Gawdat Foto
Mo Gawdat 1 minute
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Data and AI

EMPOWERMENT | The Future of Intelligence

For decades, researchers and engineers have pushed the boundaries of science and technology —inspiring others to imagine, define, and help build a better future. We live in a time where AI advancements are far outpacing Moore’s law, with more computation power being made available with newer generations of GPUs, new hyperscaling of AI models, such as transformer based language models, with hundreds of billions of parameters, new breakthroughs on AI algorithms, all leading to better performance, ...
Joa O Freitas
Pedro Domingos Prancheta 1
+ 2 João Freitas 1 minute
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Data and AI

CODING | Ask the techie I Open source

"Open Source" debate about what, nowadays, is open source in Portugal. For this, it tells us about projects that have been developed in this area and about some of the challenges faced by companies when implementing these technologies.
Miguel Caldas
Celso Martinho (1)
Miguel Caldas 1 minute
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Data and AI

CODING | The State of Open Source Cloud Native

Brendan Burns, Corporate Vice President at Microsoft, explains the state of open source cloud-native applications. In this session, the speaker helps us to do a retrospective of what was the DevOps concession, followed by what is the current reality of DevOps and what is the transition to the concept of Cloud Native.
Brendanburns 2198
Brendan Burns 1 minute
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Data and AI

CODING | The Power of AI in Business

In this session, we will discuss the breakthroughs in AI/ML and solutions available for building and deploying solutions faster. The world around us is rapidly changing, and so are innovations in AI. Creating intelligent Apps has become a massive shift for the future where infusing AI into every app making them smarter and intuitive to provide better user experience is important. In addition, having a centralized Machine Learning platform for developers, data engineers and data scientists is vit...
Ruth Yakubu Prancheta 1
Ruth Yakubu 1 minute
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Data and AI

CODING | Ask the techie I Data & AI

The "Data & AI" conversation highlights topics such as Artificial Intelligence and data science, analyzing the maturity of these technologies and the impact they have on business. In addition, he talks about concepts such as ethical AI and computer vision, the use of AI in healthcare and the importance of IT applications in the energy transition.
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200 OF INSIGHTS 2019 DIA 2[1]
Manuel Dias 1 minute


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